TCM is a subject dealing with the physiology and pathology of the human body as well as the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of disease. It is a medicine based on the concept of whole as it is guiding thoughts; It's a medicine with the theory of Yin and Yang as its theoretical tool; it's a medicine with Syndrome Identification and Corresponding Treatment as its characteristics in diagnosis and treatment of disease.

It is generally accepted that the theoretical system of TCM was established 3000 years ago. Acupuncture was earlier.

Western modern Medicine is very effective too. Some illnesses are always difficult to deal with. The best idea is to combine the two which has been put into practice for many years.


Herbal Medicine is well known in Europe as there were similar herbs in Europe some 100 years ago. The format of herbs has been changing especially in recent years. It was raw herbs only. Now it has many different forms, such as grannies, pills, creams, drinks... Also, it has changed from raw herbs to extraction to eliminate chemical pollution, and so on.


    Acupuncture was established much earlier, in the New Stone Age(5000BC-2500BC).
    Acupuncture is a part of Chinese Medicine. The needle was the tool instead of the herbs. The material of the needles has been changing all the 5000 years, originally using bone, horn, stone, and at last, metal. The size has been changing too. They are getting smoother and finer and stronger. Today, they are sterilized stainless steel and are used singly.
    There are many meridians and many points on each meridian. It is possible to treat different illnesses by inserting needles into carefully selected points on the body. Principally, acupuncture works on nerves. It is very clean for the body, as there is neither biological pollution nor chemical pollution.


    Generally speaking, acupressure is similar to massage. It's hand work which includes massage + osteopath + chiropractor + physiotherapy. Different acupuncture points do different work. Pressure on those points stimulates certain energy to help to heal.
    It's good for relaxation; good for external problems and even good for internal problems. If some people don't like needles or herbs, this might be the solution.


    The hands, feet, and ears have points that reflect the organs in the body.  You can expect benefits on different parts of your body by working on these places – feet or hands or ears. It is good for relaxation and it’s good for some people who cannot get acupuncture or herbs.
