Generally speaking, Chinese medicine is good for treating most illnesses.
Stomach ache, indigestion, bloating, constipation, diarrheal, IBS
Influenza, viral infection, post-viral syndrome, common cold, chronic bronchitis, asthma, sore throat, sinusitis, rhinitis, hay fever
Premenstrual syndrome, menopausal syndrome, impotence
Cystitis, frequent urination, palpitation
Overweight, hypertension, diabetes, sleep disorder, depression, anxiety, migraine, trigeminal neuralgia, fibromyalgia, me, ms, chronic fatigue
Psoriasis, eczema, acne, alopecia
Arthritis, sciatica, injury, pain, wear and tear
How long does it need to get the result? (The most frequent question)
For the successful cases: shortest 2-3 weeks and longest 2 years
How often will I come for an acupuncture session?
We need to follow your cycle. At certain days of the cycle we have to do certain treatment, but principally once a week.
What kinds of treatment are involved?
Acupuncture and/or herbs
Cupping and moxibustion and reflexology can be involved if it is necessary.
Acupuncture is covered by all medical insurance.
Herbs in some cases are more effective.
Why am I always sick? I have had a few courses of anti-biotics.
Anti-biotics doesn’t kill bacterial. If your immune system does not work, you will have it again.
How Chinese Medicine treat this sickness?
Principally, we need to strengthen immune system.
If the condition is acute, we’ll do acupuncture and herbs at same time.
How many times do I have to come to see you?
It depends. It mostly depends on the patient’s condition, and how quick they respond to the treatment.
Generally speaking, it is longer than you thought.
It might be quick too. A client has been coughing for 1 year. The acupuncture treatment is only 4 sessions.
I have a muscle problem. I have a trapped nerve. I have a heart pain. I have a strange pain.
Acupuncture works on nerves. 50% of patients coming for acupuncture are for pain relieve.
How many sessions do I need?
It is hard to answer. Let’s say from 1 to 20.
It is suggested to go to see a physiotherapist. Should I finish that then come to you?
1, If the pain is deep, choose acupuncture;
2, If you want both, that is not a bad idea. Only thing is, you don’t know which one is working.
Why do I have to come to see you? Pain killer is convenient and much cheaper.
Well. Pain killer is one of the choices.
All of the chemicals pollute your system. More than likely it covers the pain but doesn’t treat it.
So, if it is not too bad, you don’t need pain killers. If it is very bad you need a proper treatment.
Does it work?
There is lots of research which show the positive results for Acupuncture.
For most cases, it is much more effective than anything else.
Can I claim my insurance against the costs?
Yes. Since 2001 the medical insurance has covered acupuncture.
I you want to know how much and you’ll get from the insurance, please ring your them and find out.
I have been to a pain clinic, and nothing is really working.
Suggestion: Try anything before you give up.
When should I stop the treatment?
If you are improving, get more sessions.
If the improvement has stopped, you can consider stopping the treatment.
The pain might be simple and might be complicated. So if the acupuncturist is trying hard looking for the course of the pain, please give yourself a chance.
Kidney deficiency
Kidney deficiency is a term in Chinese Medicine.
The kidney is a system, of life power.
Kidney deficiency includes a group of symptoms, such as tiredness, hot flashes, sleeping badly, night sweats, feeling cold, dry skin, bad mood, irritation, anger ......
What is the relation between menopause and kidney deficiency?
According to an ancient Chinese medicine book, Kidney function gets stronger from 14 years of age and it gets weaker from age 49.
Kidney deficiency can happen at any age and any gender.
Women at the end of the child-bearing period suffer from it. It is called a menopausal syndrome.
I have lots of the symptoms of the above, but I’m only 40.
Women from age 45 to 55 have high morbidity, and most of them have it.
Younger women, even a young man at 26 can have the same symptoms too.
The room is too hot. When I sleep, I have to keep the windows open.
I am feeling so hot and then shivering cold.
I don’t have a problem falling asleep, but I can only sleep 2 hours.
Chinese Medicine is particularly good at treating this kind of sub-health problem.
Also, patients are advised to look after themselves. Things to do or not to do are:
1, Food: If you are too hot, don’t eat any food killing Yin energy at supper.
Such as chilli, garlic, onion, spring onion, ginger, and spices. Also, eat less beef and lamb.
2, Exercises: gentle exercises are all good.
Such as Taichi, Yoga, Pilate, and many more. Suggest doing exercise in a group of people.
I was advised to start HRT. Should I take it?
Better not.
All of the replacement treatments are very hard to stop.
Once we were treating a 45-year-old woman with kidney deficiency. She said she will never start HRT, as her mother, 65 can not stop it. Every time she tries the symptoms come even worse than before.